Monday, August 5, 2019

Jim Dine Charcoal Art Work

W.A.L.T... How to draw with charcoal in the style of Susie Aminian.
What I did... 

  1. Draw the out lines with a pencil.
  2. Chose what direction the light is coming from.
  3. Do the out lines with the charcoal.
  4. Start shading the lines.
  5. Finish shading the whole thing.
  6. Take a picture.
  7. Insert it onto your blog. 
  8. Wright a quality blog about it.
Next time I will make the out lines more darker. I probably wont do a flower next time because I found it hard. We were supposed to copy a piece of art from Jim Dine I chose this one but it was hard.
Do you know who Susie Aminian is? If you do please comment.

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