Thursday, August 8, 2019

Camera Shots and Angles

W.A.L.T... Use the different shots and angles.

We did this slide show with Donna Yates today. She is a worker from the Manaiakalani Cyber smart program. We do Cyber smart every week on Thursday.  I worked with Hinewai because we had to do this activity in groups of two. I was much easier than doing it alone because you had someone to take the photos and someone to act.

We are going to be doing movie making this term with an experienced man. So to help us prepare for that Donna came in and we did Camera shots and angles.

When we do this again I think that I will make the descriptions more precise and will make the pictures a bit more lighter...

Have you ever done this before?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Lexi, my name is Ezra and I am a student in LH9 at Gisborne Intermediate School. I really liked with each camera shot you had a purpose. It made me think of all the cool shots you can do with a camera. Have you thought about making the purpose size a bit bigger. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is
