Wednesday, August 21, 2019


W.A.L.T... Do a Tessellation that is effective.

We were creating a piece of art that is tessellation I copied this pattern of a video. The video told us hoe to do a tessellation.

  1. get a A5 piece of paper.
  2. Scissors
  3. Tape 
  4. Pencil
  5. Cut out a shape on the long side of the rectangle and tape it exactly on the side parallel to where you cut out the shape.
  6. Do the same thing to the short side
  7. Trace the shape that you did onto a piece of paper
  8. then you are done
I enjoyed doing this because I new what to do. I did this in year 6 so it was easy for me to do.

Next time I think that I will make the patterns more consistent. and a little bit more bolder patterns

if you have ever done tessellations please comment

Monday, August 12, 2019

Maths Angles Types. Line. Point

W.A.L.T... Angle types calculate on a straight line and point.

I enjoyed doing this learning because I learnt what the names of all of the angles are. I also learned what degrees the angle are.

Next time I will explain all of the slides with the same amount of in not one with a lot and some with not much.

If you have done angles on a point or angles on a line?
please comment...

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Maths Symmetry

W.A.L.T... Learn all of the different types of symmetry.

Every week we get a slide to finish we get set tasks on Hapara. This slide is this weeks maths work it is about symmetry.

The three types of symmetry that we learnt about was..,

  1. Rotational Symmetry.
  2. Order of Symmetry.
  3. What a term of symmetry is. 
  4. Order of symmetry.

I enjoyed doing this because it was interesting and I get to learn new things.

Next time I will make the descriptions longer and have an examples of the question in each slide. I will also make it more interesting.

Have you ever done symmetry in maths before?
If you have please comment...

Camera Shots and Angles

W.A.L.T... Use the different shots and angles.

We did this slide show with Donna Yates today. She is a worker from the Manaiakalani Cyber smart program. We do Cyber smart every week on Thursday.  I worked with Hinewai because we had to do this activity in groups of two. I was much easier than doing it alone because you had someone to take the photos and someone to act.

We are going to be doing movie making this term with an experienced man. So to help us prepare for that Donna came in and we did Camera shots and angles.

When we do this again I think that I will make the descriptions more precise and will make the pictures a bit more lighter...

Have you ever done this before?

Jim Dine Art Work/ Tool

W.A.L.T... create a piece of art work of a tool in the style of Jim Dine.

In my class in art we are doing pieces of art inspired by Jim Dine. Jim Dine draws things out of charcoal he mainly draws tools but he draws other things too..

I enjoyed doing the shading of this art it made the hammer look more real... I also enjoyed doing the outline.

next time I think that I will do the shading more darker I think it might make it look more real

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Chocolate Touch.

W.A.L.T... Re write the legend of king Midas and the golden 

I enjoyed writing this story because We read the story of the golden touch. Because we red the golden touch writing the chocolate touch was easier than most writing, because you knew what you were writing about and you weren't just making it up along the way.

Before we started writing the story we had to plan each of our characters. we also had to wright the plot..

Next time I will try and make the story shorter and have more detail.
If you know about the legend or if you have anything that I can add to my story please comment.


W.A.L.T... Make an animation about The legend of king Midas...

I liked doing this animation because it is fun making the characters move where you want them to and do what you want them to do... I also like doing animations because it is better than writing a story and other things like that.

Next time I think that I will make it more the same to the story. I also think that I will make It shorter and more to the point.

If you have made an animation please comment.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Jim Dine Charcoal Art Work

W.A.L.T... How to draw with charcoal in the style of Susie Aminian.
What I did... 

  1. Draw the out lines with a pencil.
  2. Chose what direction the light is coming from.
  3. Do the out lines with the charcoal.
  4. Start shading the lines.
  5. Finish shading the whole thing.
  6. Take a picture.
  7. Insert it onto your blog. 
  8. Wright a quality blog about it.
Next time I will make the out lines more darker. I probably wont do a flower next time because I found it hard. We were supposed to copy a piece of art from Jim Dine I chose this one but it was hard.
Do you know who Susie Aminian is? If you do please comment.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

How to plan a screencast.

W.A.L.T... How to plan a screencast about copy write.
I created a google document about how to make sure that you don't get your self a fine for copy write. and on how much easier it is to just use explore.
Next time I will make sure that I make my voice clearer, I will also make it easier to read, not so many stops and starts and Next time I do a screencastify I will make it shorter.
I enjoyed learning what copy write was and how to avoid it. But the thing that I enjoyed the most was writhing down my script..

ATTRIBUTE.... This is how to get an image of the web.
I will be showing you how to attribute a picture from the web and how to insert a picture from Explore and what the difference is.

EXPLORE.... This is how you insert an image of explore. 
So to get an image of explore when you are on your google doc you look down in the bottom right corner and there will be a speech bubble type thing like this. Click on it and wright in what you want to find in the search bar and click image. Once you have found the image that you want hover over the image and click the plus. 

DIFFERENCE.... This is the difference between the two.
The difference is the is that the explore and the web images is that explore is way easier because you don't have to open a new tab and visit and all that stuff. You Just need to press explore and press the plus it is so much easier and you don't get copyrighted.