Thursday, June 13, 2019

How to Create a Amazing Blog Post

We are learning to Create a Quality blog post...

WHAT WE CREATED...  Today I created a poster on how to make a great blog post on google drive in google drawings. You should defiantly read it if you want to have a awesome blog post....
 WHO...   Donna Yates came in from the manaiakalani groop of people that teach people how to make Quality blog posts. She taught us how to make a quality blog post, with the information that she helped us gather. We made and put our ideas into a poster.

 The week before we did this we this we created a Quality blog rubric that had how to create a a quality blog in it. That is where I found some of my some information from that to help me to create my poster....

  HOW TO MAKE IT...  To make a poster on google drawings we needed to find and resherch a topic (we did a quality blog post). Then we added a title that we wanted, put some information that we have learned and put it in to speech bubbles or just a text box. Add a funky background at the most Four colours, and post it onto your blog. Put a description in about how, who, what and why.

D.L.O stands for digital Learning Objects. My digital learning object was google drive and google drawings.

1. Interesting Title
2. Hook in Introduction
3. D.L.O
4. Reflation
5. Sources
6. Question

Do you know how to create a Quality blog post???, If you do and you think that I am missing something Please comment me some feed back...

1 comment:

  1. lexi that is a very good example of a quality blog post
