Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rugby League on Wednesday

W.A.L.T... Make a quality blog post about Rugby league...

We have been doing rugby league training with Kelly and Jim that come in every Wednesday. for the first three weeks that they came we did ball skills. we also learnt the rules of rugby league. on the 4th and 5th week we actually played rugby league. 

At first it was scary and I didn't like it. It got easier when I learnt the rules. I also under stand the game better because I now know the names of the positions..

The people that trained us gave the boys a opportune to go the the national reps for free. The person that is training us is the most qualified person in New Zealand for training rugby league. That is something that some kids do years of training to do. so it is a great opportunity for the boys at our school.  

These are are of some of the people in my class playing touch on the court. We usually play league on the field but it was closed due to the muddiness. I think that I need to actually run with the ball in steed of just bass it to the person next to me.

Have you had any experiences like this, or they come to your school? please let me know and comment.

How To Train Your Dragon 4

REFLECTION.... Next time I will try and make it more interesting. When I make it more interesting I will try and make it shorter. I tried to make paragraphs and use interesting. QUESTION.... Do you have any things that i can improve on?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

My Still Life Art

W.A.L.T... the Walt was to use  proportion and draw an accurate outline..

Explain... 1. so first you find something to draw in front of you.
2. Draw a centre line.
3.Then put lines through the centre line.
4.The lines through the centre lines are called proportions lines.
5.That will help you get the proportion right.

Reflection...  next time I will probably try and make it more real.. and try not to draw what I think it looks like instead I will try and draw what is actually in front of me.
I did it with MR Pickard as we were doing it for art.

Thanks for looking at my blog and I hoped that you liked it... If you have any Questions or things that you think that you could improve on the please comment bellow... Thanks

Thursday, June 13, 2019

How to Create a Amazing Blog Post

We are learning to Create a Quality blog post...

WHAT WE CREATED...  Today I created a poster on how to make a great blog post on google drive in google drawings. You should defiantly read it if you want to have a awesome blog post....
 WHO...   Donna Yates came in from the manaiakalani groop of people that teach people how to make Quality blog posts. She taught us how to make a quality blog post, with the information that she helped us gather. We made and put our ideas into a poster.

 The week before we did this we this we created a Quality blog rubric that had how to create a a quality blog in it. That is where I found some of my some information from that to help me to create my poster....

  HOW TO MAKE IT...  To make a poster on google drawings we needed to find and resherch a topic (we did a quality blog post). Then we added a title that we wanted, put some information that we have learned and put it in to speech bubbles or just a text box. Add a funky background at the most Four colours, and post it onto your blog. Put a description in about how, who, what and why.

D.L.O stands for digital Learning Objects. My digital learning object was google drive and google drawings.

1. Interesting Title
2. Hook in Introduction
3. D.L.O
4. Reflation
5. Sources
6. Question

Do you know how to create a Quality blog post???, If you do and you think that I am missing something Please comment me some feed back...