Monday, June 22, 2020

17 / 5 / 2020

17 / 5 / 20
This Morning when i got up I milked the cow, moved the cows and gave them a new salt block. Kyra was coming back today from Auckland late. So I went and moved her guinea pigs. After morning tea I went on the digger and started to flatten the piles of sand out in the arena. When I was finished i realised that I needed a lot more sand. I got dad to come and do some flattening with the blade of the digger 4 me and I got a ride in the bucket. When we were finished we went over to a blocked culvert and dug it out with the digger. There was surprisingly a lot of water in the drain. When we were finished we walked along it and we found a leek in the pipe. 

I went over to feed kyras cats and move the guinea pigs again and Millan came with me and we found a guinea pig almost dead. It had no Hair on its back like it had x-mar. We put it in some wool to keep it warm and we put it inside their house so that the cats couldn't get at it.

Then Taz and Cooper came over on their motorbikes to ride with Millan. I went and put the cover on the storm and went for a quick ride on toot with a haulter that was two small so it was a bit hard but she did alright. I went to chuck on the guinea pig and it was sadly dead…  Mum came back and we had a lamb roast for dinner and roast potatoes and kumara.

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